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Summer Stream Live Yoga Practice @ Your Home
Vinyasa Yoga practice
8:30am Pacific time
17:30 Poland time
4:30pm UK time
Monday - Vinyasa Yoga
Thursday - Vinyasa Yoga
You are able to connect live through internet to take 60min yoga sessions with me at the comfort of your home.
What you need:
first install in advance a free app called ZOOM on your phone, ipad, PC or laptop
please contact me if you need help
second, confirm by registering that you like to partake, pay & receive the Zoom ID & password to access one class or monthly unlimited class pass.
third, set your mat in a comfortable place at home before a class
log into the given link, just at the start of any class you choose to take
SEE Below Class Fees & the link to register
Drop in for one class fee - $5
Monthly Unlimited participation fee - $45
Please use your preferred way to make your payment.
If there are any questions or difficulties, please contact me.
Thank you for practicing with me.
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