Morinda citrifolia is a fruit-bearing tree in the coffee family, Rubiaceae. Its native range extends across Southeast Asia and Australasia, and the species is now cultivated throughout the tropics and widely naturalized. Among some 100 names for the fruit across different regions are the more common English names of great morinda, Indian mulberry, noni, beach mulberry, and cheese fruit.
NONI Fruit
Has been used for thousands of years as a natural healing remedy. In recent years, however, noni's extract and juices have been proven to lower blood pressure, improve immunity, speed wound healing and increase physical endurance, among other health benefits.
In the consumer market, it has been introduced as a supplement in various formats, such as capsules, skin products, juices & extracts.
The natural enzymes in raw noni fruit include one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants on earth. Noni fruit as a natural remedy for skin irritations for centuries. During WWII, soldiers were introduced to noni fruit as sustenance, but traditional healers utilized the root, stem, leaves, and flowers of the noni fruit, as well as the raw noni fruit pulp. Today, we know the science behind the effectiveness of noni fruit. The antioxidants in noni fruit have a variety of health benefits, including:
Supports healthy immune function and response
Soothes and calms skin irritations
Promotes Relief for Sprains, Bruises, Stiffness, and Inflammation
Promotes clear, healthy looking skin
Improved bone regeneration and increased bone marrow proliferation
Lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressures