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Wake up with Yoga - This is a  gentle group session, suitable for all levels. Modifications are offered for the more challenging poses. Greet the sun and the arrival of a new day with movement of stretch in support of meditative breath-work. Allow your nervous system to begin the day in a far more relaxed state.  Morning yoga practice is guaranteed to make you feel more awake and alive . Enhances the flow of circulation and give the immune system an immediate boost. Hydrate well with warm lemon water  before beginning the practice and enjoy your breakfast after. “Start from where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can”. 

Core & Pick me Up Vinyasa Flow - Bring out your inner warrior with these challenging poses and sequences! Poses are held for longer and often flow together with minimal rest breaks. Get ready to sweat! We begin with core work and arm work using weights following with vinysa flow of sun salutations. The deep hip openers 

Wind Down with Gentle Yoga - Suitable for first-timers, those recovering from injuries. 

Yin Yoga - In this healing practice, floor postures are held passively for several minutes in order to access a safe, positive 'stress' on deep connective tissues, fascia, joints, muscles and ligaments. You are able to reach the deep tissue. Yin restores and maintains natural lubrication and mobility of the joints while working with specific meridians of the body to achieve optimum organ health. Yin is suitable for all levels, both advanced and beginners alike.

Private Yoga -  yoga practice tailored to the personal needs. Please contact me to schedule.


Yoga teacher serving Folsom community for over 12 years    

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